About Us
Robot Cleansing
Nupi Niron PPR for HVAC & drinking water(Water Supply System)
Nupi Niron PP-RCT for hydronic heating, chilled water and cooling tower circulation water pipes at a higher pressure
Nupi Smartflex HDPE underground pipe for diesel & petrol
Nupi Smartlpg undeground pipe for LPG
Fuel dispenser
Automatic Tank Gauge System (ATG) for diesel & petrol
Water-tight manhole cover
OPW fuel components for petrol filling station
Marine and Road Loading Arm
Submersible Turbine Pump (STP) for diesel & petrol
Underground double wall tank
BS EN12285-1
UL57 & UL1746
Fuel polishing unit for service tank of generator
Rental to provide Robot Tank Cleansing Services
3D laser scan for tank calibration
Design, Supply and install fueling system
Design & Supply the system of fuel polishing, loading & unloading
Internal Epoxy lining system for tanks
Double Wall Fibreglass Lining for tanks
Safety & Environment
Contact Us
Robot Cleansing
Nupi Niron PPR for HVAC & drinking water
Nupi Niron PP-RCT for hydronic heating, chilled water and cooling tower circulation water pipes at a higher pressure
Nupi Smartflex HDPE underground pipe for diesel & petrol
Nupi Smartlpg undeground pipe for LPG
Fuel dispenser
Automatic Tank Gauge System (ATG) for diesel & petrol
Water-tight manhole cover
OPW fuel components for petrol filling station
Marine and Road Loading Arm
Submersible Turbine Pump (STP) for diesel & petrol
Underground double wall tank to BS EN12285-1
Underground double wall tank to UL57 & UL1746
Fuel polishing unit for service tank of generator