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Robot Cleansing
Nupi Niron PPR for HVAC & drinking water(Water Supply System)
Nupi Niron PP-RCT for hydronic heating, chilled water and cooling tower circulation water pipes at a higher pressure
Nupi Smartflex HDPE underground pipe for diesel & petrol
Nupi Smartlpg undeground pipe for LPG
Fuel dispenser
Automatic Tank Gauge System (ATG) for diesel & petrol
Water-tight manhole cover
OPW fuel components for petrol filling station
Marine and Road Loading Arm
Submersible Turbine Pump (STP) for diesel & petrol
Underground double wall tank
BS EN12285-1
UL57 & UL1746
Fuel polishing unit for service tank of generator
Rental to provide Robot Tank Cleansing Services
3D laser scan for tank calibration
Design, Supply and install fueling system
Design & Supply the system of fuel polishing, loading & unloading
Internal Epoxy lining system for tanks
Double Wall Fibreglass Lining for tanks
Safety & Environment
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Design & Supply the system of fuel polishing, loading & unloading
Design & Supply the system of fuel polishing, loading & unloading
Use Case : The System installed at a dockyard terminal
Fuel Polishing Completed
Electric Hose Reel with suction petroleum hose for unloading diesel from vessel
Connect the suction hose to the diesel tank on board
Pneumatic Diaphragm Pump is used to pump diesel to the fuel polishing unit
Variable Frequency Drive controls and drives gear pump
Different Explosion-Proof Gear Pumps are used to pump diesel to the fuel
Turbine Flow Meter is used to measure and display the flow rate of diesel
Fuel Polishing System is used to filter and purify diesel fuel
Fuel Polishing System is used to filter and purify diesel fuel
Rotary Flow Meter is used to measure and display the volume of the filtered diesel. The diesel then is discharged into the underground oil tank at the dockyard terminal for storage.
Electric Hose Reel with suction petroleum hose and nozzle for refueling diesel tank on board
Nozzle for refueling diesel tank on board